Section 1

Horrid Henry

Have you ever heard of a boy named Horrid Henry? If you haven't, get ready to meet this mischievous character who is always up to no good! In this chapter, we will learn all about Horrid Henry and his adventures.

Horrid Henry is a fictional character created by author Francesca Simon. He is the main character in a series of books called "Horrid Henry" and has also been adapted into a popular television series.

Henry is a young boy who is known for being naughty and misbehaving. He loves playing pranks on his family and friends, and he always seems to find himself in trouble. Despite his mischievous ways, Henry is a lovable character who often makes us laugh with his funny antics.

Henry has a younger brother named Perfect Peter, who is the complete opposite of him. Peter is well-behaved, polite, and always tries to do the right thing. This sometimes leads to conflicts between the two brothers, as Henry tries to get Peter involved in his schemes.

Henry also has a best friend named Rude Ralph, who shares his love for mischief. Together, they come up with all sorts of pranks and tricks to play on their classmates and teachers. They are always looking for ways to have fun and cause a little chaos.

So, get ready to join Horrid Henry on his wild and wacky adventures. But remember, while it's fun to read about Henry's naughty behavior, it's important to always be kind and respectful to others in real life.

  1. What is the name of the main character in the "Horrid Henry" series?
  2. Who is Henry's younger brother?
  3. What is Henry known for?
  4. Who is Henry's best friend?
  5. Why is it important to be kind and respectful to others?

Section 2

Today was a day just like any other. I woke up early and jumped out of bed, full of energy. I quickly got dressed in my favorite superhero t-shirt and jeans. Then, I went downstairs to have breakfast with my family. Mom made pancakes, my favorite! I gobbled them up as fast as I could.

After breakfast, it was time to go to school. I grabbed my backpack, which was filled with my books and pencils. As I walked to school, I chatted with my friends about the latest episode of my favorite TV show, Horrid Henry. We laughed and talked about all the funny things Henry did.

When I arrived at school, my teacher greeted me with a big smile. I love my teacher because she is always so kind and helpful. We started our day by singing songs and saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Then, we had math class. I really enjoy math because it's like solving puzzles.

At recess, my friends and I played games on the playground. We took turns going down the slide and swinging on the swings. Sometimes, we pretend to be superheroes, just like the ones in my favorite comic books. It's so much fun using our imaginations!

After recess, we had art class. Today, we learned how to draw our favorite animals. I drew a picture of a lion, just like the one I saw at the zoo last month. I was really proud of my drawing and couldn't wait to show it to my mom.

Finally, the school day was over, and it was time to go home. I walked back with my friends, talking and laughing along the way. When I reached home, I quickly finished my homework and then played with my toys. I love playing with my action figures and creating exciting adventures for them.

  1. What did the child wear to school?
  2. What did the child eat for breakfast?
  3. What is the child's favorite TV show?
  4. What did the child draw in art class?
  5. What does the child enjoy doing with their action figures?

Section 3

Good evening, everyone! Welcome to the 6 o'clock news. Today, we bring you an exclusive report on the mischievous adventures of the one and only Horrid Henry!

In the small town of Ashton, the notorious troublemaker, Horrid Henry, has struck again! This time, he was caught red-handed stealing cookies from the school cafeteria. Witnesses say that Henry sneaked into the kitchen and grabbed a whole tray of freshly baked cookies. Oh, what a naughty boy!

But that's not all! Henry's mischief didn't stop there. He then decided to feed his little brother, Perfect Peter, a bowl of green jellybeans disguised as peas. Poor Peter couldn't believe his eyes when he took a big spoonful of what he thought was a healthy vegetable. Henry surely knows how to play tricks!

In another incident, Horrid Henry was seen hiding his mother's car keys. She searched high and low, but couldn't find them anywhere. Henry was chuckling away, knowing he had caused quite a commotion. What a cheeky little rascal!

And finally, the mischievous boy decided to prank his teacher, Miss Battle-Axe. During a science experiment, he mixed up the test tubes, causing a small explosion that covered the whole classroom with a cloud of colored smoke. Poor Miss Battle-Axe had a hard time explaining that one!

  1. Can you unscramble this word? WOTBNOKSI (Hint: It's what Horrid Henry loves to eat)
  2. Here's another one: EHSOTR (Hint: It's what Horrid Henry hides)
  3. Can you figure this one out? LACTYIO (Hint: It's a vegetable that Horrid Henry disguised as jellybeans)
  4. What's this word? ETSAT (Hint: It's what Horrid Henry caused in the classroom)
  5. And the final anagram: TLELACF (Hint: It's the name of Henry's teacher)

Section 4

Horrid Henry Strikes Again!

In a small town in Ireland, a mischievous young boy named Henry made headlines with his latest antics. Known for his troublemaking ways, Henry was always up to no good, much to the frustration of his teachers, parents, and neighbors.

One sunny afternoon, Henry decided to play a prank on his school by releasing a bag of frogs into the classroom. As soon as the teacher stepped out for a moment, Henry seized the opportunity and set the frogs free. Chaos ensued as the amphibians hopped around the room, causing panic among the students.

The school had to be evacuated while the teachers tried to catch all the frogs. It took them hours to round them up and restore order to the classroom. The incident left the school in disarray and the teachers furious with Henry.

This was not the first time that Henry had caused trouble. He had a reputation for pulling pranks, such as putting whoopee cushions on his classmates' chairs or swapping their lunch boxes. Despite numerous warnings and punishments, Henry seemed to find joy in his misdeeds.

Henry's parents were at their wits' end, not knowing how to discipline their unruly son. They had tried everything from grounding him to taking away his privileges, but nothing seemed to deter him from his mischievous ways.

  1. What did Henry do in his latest prank?
  2. Why did the school have to be evacuated?
  3. How did the teachers feel about Henry's behavior?
  4. What had Henry's parents tried to do to discipline him?
  5. How would you describe Henry's character?